Monday, April 09, 2012

Living aboard the Sea TARDIS

In April of 2012 we moved onto our boat. We became minimalists out of choice and necessity, priorities changed, life got more simple and more complicated.  We have a lot to learn about living on a boat.  But overall, life is good on our boat....and it really is bigger on the inside =)

Karissa did an awesome job designing the graphic for our boat

Hunter 41

The salon looking toward the galley

The galley

Master cabin

Guest cabin and 2nd head

Sea trial

Sea trial Wes, Wes & Tim

Wes & Wes

She will become the Sea TARDIS

Bringing her to Seattle

Bald Eagle

Foggy morning
Dahl's porpoise, I haven't gotten a good picture of them yet.

Wes & Captain Kirk

Galley after I got a hold of it =) added my gourmet pans etc.
Amazingly everything we need fits!

Nespresso finds it's niche!
Master salon, new linens, pillows etc.
Our dock at Shilshole Bay Marina

We get to see some gorgeous sunsets!

 Dock and marina wildlife


I wear a fez now, fezes are cool.


Curious seal

Sad looking seal, probably more like annoyed seal =)
Lion's mane jellyfish
Lion's mane jelly fish and thousands of tiny white jellyfish

Boating life!

Maya didn't like her life jacket

Maya & Wes entertain us

Grandboys looking at the lion's mane jellyfish

Dad & Mom out sailing with us

Wine from a friend Dog Hill Vineyards

Bell Harbor Marina downtown Seattle


Friends Lynn and Cory on the Derring Do

John on Poéme

Police boat taking pictures of a sea lion on the buoy

Our gardens


Strawberries & a tomato plant

First harvest!

Seattle glitters!

Loving life!

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