Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ocean park - Manila

Beginning of the Ocean Park in Manila


Roots with a waterfall behind

Cool starfish



These fish just hovered, don't know what they are

Cow fish

Shark eggs

Found Nemo

Colorful lobster...yum!

really ugly fish

blue spotted manta ray

moray eel

lion fish

stick fish?


Wes looking at the Manta ray

Under the aquarium, very cool!

Manta ray from below

not a shark, it is a guitar fish

Shark tank from below

It tickles!

Shark tank

Friday, August 21, 2009

Ferry trip down the Pasig River to Manila Bay

Across from where we caught the boat......


And a market

The sidewalk is a fairly new improvement at this part of
the river

They also fixed up and painted the houses in this area

The bright colors remind me of Mexico

Fishing boat

Improved homes with skyscraper backdrop

Chicken feed plant, especially for the game fowl...
Ninja Game Fowl Feeds & Mighty Feeds

More homes

Squatters build their homes out of anything they can find

And anywhere they can...

And even under bridges...this is one of the reasons
typhoons are so devastating here.

This is boat (The River Star 2) ferries people back & forth
across the river

A guy on a homemade floatation device collects useful stuff

Parish Of Our Lady Of The Abandoned

A church peeks out over the river front homes

Cute kids watching the activity on the river

The wall says "Manila Boat Club"...not sure if this is still
the case

Pasig River Patrol boats

Police dogs

Closer view of the dogs that live under the bridge. The
sign says:


View down river

Post office

It might be hard to see, but to get on or off at this location
you have to go through 2 other ferries!

After this romantic, scenic ride down the river we went to
the ocean post