Saturday, November 01, 2008

Wszystkich Świętych

All Saint's Day

Anioł Zemsty - Angel of Vengeance in Rakowicka Cmentarz
(wiki picture)

In the states cemeteries are generally not thought of as a desirable place to visit, especially after the sun has gone down. In Poland, however, whole families go out on November 1 and visit graves, put lighted candles and flowers on all the graves in all of the cemeteries and it lasts late into the night. It is quite beautiful actually.

Bob, Olga & Wes (Olga is our Polish teacher's daughter)

Baby Nadar, he is so sweet!!!

John Paul II monument

Ofiarom Komunizmu - Victims of Communism

Family Grave - Gregorski

Jan Michalski---------------------------Tadeusz Kantor

Unknown Soldier's grave-------
Soldiers Monument Sep, 1939

Great Uncle of a friend here.

Unknown Soldiers

Olga lighting a candle at the family grave of John Paul II

Soviet Soldiers Monument

British Military

Olga puts a candle on a British grave